Thursday, 15 November 2012

Mountain Skills with Tollymore!

Group shelter, an essential piece of kit for when out in the mountains

Yesterday seen me out working with Tollymore National Outdoor Centre.  We had a small group of engineers in who survey land to see whether it would be possible to use it for windfarms.

We looked at navigating with 1:25,000 and 1:50,000 maps, river crossings, survival skills and the pros and cons of using a GPS!

How to we cross this one?

It was cool to be back out in the Mournes working with folk who are really up for learning new skills.

We are currently getting some Climbing, Mountain Biking and Winter flyers done. I have just received the first draft and they look cool!

Ian has also confirmed the design for the biking jerseys, drop him an email on to place and order or see the design.